Whatsapp CRM
WhatsApp CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is to manage and optimize interactions with customers. WhatsApp CRM involves to provide better customer support, enhance engagement, and streamline communication processes. How WhatsApp CRM can be beneficial for your business growth.
- Send whatsApp messages to your customers with your Brand name along with verified Green tick business Badge.
- Allows users to send and receive text messages in real-time.
- Users can share various multimedia content, including photos, videos, text messages, and documents.
- With the help of whatsApp CRM your each staff member can send bulk whatsApp to your multiple customers together in one go, which results to get easy lead matured by chat conversation with Replied/interested customers.
- WhatsApp CRM allows businesses to engage with customers in real time, enabling quick responses and personalized interactions.
- With access to customer data and interaction, businesses can provide more personalized and contextually relevant responses.
- You can easily show your presence to your customers by sending appropriate Data/content using Whatsapp API. In this way brand building and product advertisements can be done smoothly.
- Easy to maintain hierarchy. Admin can create Team Leads and can appoint number of customer executives who will report to respective team lead. Team lead can easily assign/reassign whatsapp customers data as per the requirements.
- Easy to see staff performance. How productive they are.
- It helps to boost your Business Sales Performance/productivity.
- Easy access of information with advance filtration options.